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DataLink Field

DataLink Field

Datalink works much like DataSnap, connecting your form to datasets or processes. The key difference is that with Datalink, any changes made in the dataset or process will be reflected in the form when it loads, whereas DataSnap maintains a copy of the linked fields. Datalink provides a direct connection, ensuring that modifications in the dataset or process directly impact your form. It stores only the ID and Text, while DataSnap stores all the Linked Fields. Here, Text is the display of the Datalink.

Search List

The Search Field feature allows you to search for data while working in the form.

You can use the filter to search within your data, but the filter will only display the fields that you have selected.

Clikcing the plus button will select this data for the field.


You can filter the data from the selected dataset or process. See detailed filtering options Here.


There are 2 types of validations available for the DataLink field:

  • Equal to: Validates if the field content is equal to a specified value , Field or Expression.
  • Not Equal To: Ensures the field content differs from a specified value , Field or Expression.

See all validations