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DataSnap Field

DataSnap Field

The DataSnap field is used to access data from your Dataset or Process, allowing you to automatically populate information into your form. It creates a snap of the linked field from the selected process or dataset.

For example, if you are filling out a purchase order for a regular vendor, it would be helpful to auto-populate the vendor information instead of typing it into all the fields.

Importantly, any changes made in the dataset won't affect the autopopulated details in the datasnap, ensuring stability and consistency, which may differ from behavior in a datalink.


The DataSnap Field Properties offers seamless configuration with essential properties such as Title and ID. Choose your DataSource preference, opting for either datasets or processes. If datasets are selected, data is sourced directly from them. If processes are chosen, the DataSnap field fetches data from process datasets. Additionally, utilize Filter and Validations to refine and ensure the accuracy of your autopopulated information.

Field Setting

See Basic Field Settings like Title, ID etc. Here

Data Source

The data source dropdown will allow you to select your source either from datasets or processes.If you choose a dataset, you have to select your source from the dataset. However, if you choose a process, you have to select your source from the process.

Title Field

Title fields enable you to select which field will be the title for your datasource. The title field will be displayed everywhere and will be the primary identifier for your data.

Linked Fields

Linked fields enable you to select which fields from the datasnap will be saved. You can remove any field from your snap by simply deselecting it through the linked fields option.

  • Display linked fields on form: This option allows the display of all linked fields from the datasnap on the form. If set to false, only the title field will be shown.
  • Automatically set first item found: This option automatically sets the first item found in the datasnap fields.

Search List

The Search Field feature allows you to search for data while working in the form.

You can use the filter to search within your data, but the filter will only display the fields that you have selected.

Clikcing the plus button will select this data for the field.

You can also filter vendors by city or type. See detailed filtering options Here.

There are 2 types of validations available for the DataSnap field:

  • Equal to: Validates if the field content is equal to a specified value , Field or Expression.
  • Not Equal To: Ensures the field content differs from a specified value , Field or Expression.

See all validations