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Field Validations

Field Validations

NileDesk's Field Validations feature serves as a robust data integrity mechanism. It acts like vigilant guards, making sure that the entered information follows predefined rules and standards.
By setting up these rules, we ensure accuracy and adherence to specific criteria. The main goal of these validations goes beyond just preventing errors; they also play a crucial role in ensuring the trustworthiness and reliability of the information.
For different field types, various types of validations are available. Below is a list of validations and the supported fields.

Validation Description Field Type
Max. Length The field must not exceed a certain number of characters


Min. Length The field must be at least a certain number of characters


Equal To The field must exactly match a static value or the value in another field

Drop Down
Data Snap
Data Link

Not Equal To The field must not be a certain static value or the value in another field

Drop Down
Data Snap
Data Link

Contain The field must contain certain characters, but might also have other characters


Does Not Contain The field must not contain certain characters


Email Format The field must be a valid email address


URL Format The field must contain no spaces and a dot followed by at least two letters


Letters Only The field must not have any numbers or symbols


Numbers Only The field must not have any letters or symbols


Start With The field must start with certain values


Ends With The field must end with a certain value


RegEx. Expression Regular Expression (RegEx) validation involves using a sequence of characters to define a search pattern. It's like creating a set of rules for matching and verifying the format of strings. For instance, to validate an email address, you can use the following RegEx pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$. This pattern ensures that the email address adheres to a standard structure, validating its proper format and domain structure.


Attachment File Type You can restrict the attachment file types, allowing users to upload only specific formats such as .pdf, .docx, .png, etc. Attachment Field
Attachment Max Size You can restrict the maximum size of the attachment, allowing users to upload files smaller than a specified size in MB. Attachment Field
Attachment Max Count You can restrict the maximum number of attachments, allowing users to upload a specific number, such as 3 or 5. Attachment Field
Attachment Min Size You can set a minimum number of attachments, requiring users to upload at least a specific number, such as 3 or 5. Attachment Field