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Upload CSV/Excel data to Dataset

Upload CSV/Excel data to a Dataset.

  1. Upload or drag and drop a CSV or excel file.
  2. Append means new rows will be added to the existing ones, while Replace will replace your dataset with the data from your file.
  3. If the first row of your data table is a header row, select Yes for Top Row Header, otherwise, select No.
  4. If the file is CSV, then select the appropriate data separator for your file, such as ',' or '-', etc.


After selecting Next, you can preview the first 5 rows.Header row will not be included in the upload. Choose your fields for mapping; to skip a column, just remove the field from column. Note that the key field is mandatory, and once selected, you cannot choose it again. Skipping a column will exclude it from the upload.

After clicking Upload, your data will start uploading. If there is a mismatch in the cell datatype, it will show an error. At the end of the process, it will display the number of cells affected and any errors encountered.

File requirements
  • File should be in CSV or Excel format.
  • Picture and attachment uploads are not supported.
  • Checkbox datatype must be in true/false format.
  • Number-type data must be in number or decimal format.
  • Date must be in date or datetime format.
  • For datasnap, datalink and userlink, simply write their keys, and the snap or link will be automatically created.
  • For multiselect, use ';' between multiple keys.