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Serial No. Field

Serial No. Field

Serial No. filed very usefull when you need to generate a serial for your process i.e Request No. or Invoice No. or Quotation No. etc. it helps creating a unique identifier that increases on each process and help easily define a custom tag and format to meed needs of different scenarios.

Field Setting

See Basic Field Settings like Title, ID etc. Here


The prefix is a customizable string, such as "SI-","PI-", that precedes the generated sequence in the serial number. It adds context and can be used to distinguish different types of serial numbers within your workflow. You can also add form field in prefix using expressions.

Sequence Format

This setting defines the numerical format of the generated sequence. Whether it's a simple 001, padded 0001, or extended 00001, the sequence format allows you to tailor the appearance of your serial numbers to suit your specific preferences and requirements

Sequence Generation Step

Specify at which step the sequence will be generated in your workflow. This key setting ensures precise control over when and where your serial numbers are created, seamlessly integrating with your business processes.