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Field Properties

Field's Property Editor:

The Property Editor in NileDesk enables you to tailor properties for various field types. For text fields, customize details such as maximum length or the number of rows. When working with integers, fine-tune settings like decimal places or define formula expressions for dynamic value calculation. For Dropdowns, set data sources and apply filters to refine the displayed lists. This versatile editor empowers you to precisely adjust each field type according to your specific needs of a process or dataset.

Property Editor is accessed on Form Designer or in DataSet Editor by clicking on Settings icon of a field. There are propertiese which are common for all field types as below :

  • Field Title
  • Field ID

Basic setting for fields:
  • Field Title
  • Field ID
  • Default Value
  • Helper Text

Field Title:

The Field Name is a user-defined label or title for a specific form field. It helps identify the nature or purpose of the field and is crucial for clarity in data entry and analysis.

Field ID:

The Field ID is a unique identifier assigned to a form field, typically for system reference. It aids in backend organization and streamlines data processing, ensuring each field is distinct within the system.

Default Value

Default Value is the pre-defined value set for a field, serving as the initial input when a user interacts with the form. It provides a starting point, which users can modify if needed.

Helper Text

Help text appears underneath the field and helps users know what to enter.