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Create a DataSet

Creating a Dataset
  1. Click ADD DATASET on top right corner of the Dataset page.
  2. Enter the dataset name
  3. Click CREATE.

Key Field

The initial default field is the Key Field. This is a mandatory textbox-type field that must be unique for each row in the dataset. It cannot be deleted, and adding a new row requires filling in this field to ensure data integrity. For example, this could be an employee number,Serial number, or a student roll number.

Field Customization
  • Clicking on the + icon allows you to add a new field.
  • Clicking on the field name opens the field properties.
  • Clicking on the field type icon allows you to delete the field.
  • Dragging the field border allows you to adjust the field width.
  • You can also rearrange the field sequence by clicking on the rearrange icon.

After customizing the dataset, the final result will look like this.

After completing dataset customization, click the "Open" button.