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PDF Template

PDF Template

The PDF Template allows you to create a custom PDF of your process. This helps you generate custom reports. You can append form fields, form pictures, initiator fields, and form tables into the process PDF.

Create New PDF

Clicking the Create PDF button will open a dialog where you can enter the PDF template name and description. After creating the PDF template, you will be able to access the PDF editor.

Content / Page Size

At the top, you can change the content type, such as Header, Footer, and Main Content, as well as the PDF page size, which is set to A4 by default.

Insert Form Fields

You can insert Form Fields into the PDF by clicking the Expression icon. This will display the form fields, and clicking on it will show all the form fields from the template. Clicking on any field will add it in the PDF

Insert Table
Form Table

You can insert Form Tables into the PDF by clicking the Expression icon. This will display the names of all tables in your form. Clicking the Plus Icon on the far right will add the table to the PDF.

Initially, it will only display one row with the Field IDs, but when the PDF is generated, it will show all the table rows.

You can also remove table column if you want.

Static Table

To insert a static table in the PDF, click the Table Icon and choose the number of rows and columns, or use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+E. This will open a dialog where you can enter the number of rows and columns, and the table will be created in the PDF.

To add a Header Row to the static table, click on any cell in the table to display a popup with options. Click on the first option to add a header to the static table.

Insert Picture

Clicking the Picture icon will open a dialog for adding an image to the PDF. You have three options: insert an image from your local device, insert an image from a web link, or insert an image from a form.

  • Upload Image: Choose the picture from your local device and simply insert it.
  • Web Link: Paste the URL of the picture and simply insert it.
  • Form Image: Choose the Picture Field from your template and simply insert it.
Bulleted Text

To create a bulleted list, click on the Bulleted List Dropdown and select the bullet style you want, such as circle, square, or disc, then start writing in the editor.


Clicking the Alignment dropdown will give you options for text alignment. Choose your preferred alignment—such as left, right, or center—and start writing. Your text will align according to the selected option.


You can change the font size and font family of your text using the options above. To change the text color or background color of text, simply select the text and choose your desired color. You can also format the text by making it bold, italic, underlined, etc.

You can create a PDF that meets your needs.

After Completion, You can Preview and Save the PDF template.


This is the preview of this Final PDF Template.

Downlaod PDF

You can download a created PDF of the process at the time of assignment (if you are allowed to download) and once the document is completed.