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Aggregate Field

Aggregate Field

The Aggregation Field is used to summarize/aggregate Information from numeric fields in a Form Table or from other DataSets or Processes.

The aggregate support functions like Sum, Count, Min, Max and Avg. This functionality allows for comprehensive data analysis, offering valuable insights into your dataset by performing calculations on specific data points.

Calculations have been performed according to the upper table.

Field Setting

See Basic Field Settings like Title, ID etc. Here

Number of Decimals

Number of Decimals specifies the precision of numeric data in a Number Field. This setting allows you to control the decimal places displayed, offering accuracy in representing fractional values. Users can define the level of precision, ensuring that numeric entries align with specific data requirements. This feature enhances the adaptability of the Number Field, providing a user-friendly and precise numeric input interface.

Data Source

You can select a data source, whether it is from a Form Table, Dataset, or Process. After selecting the data source, you need to choose the table name or, if a dataset or process is selected, the corresponding name.

Next, you have to select a field for aggregation. It must be a number field, and then you need to choose the aggregation type (sum, count, min, max, or average).


There are 5 types of functions available for calculation in Aggregate field:

  • SUM: Displays the sum of all values
  • COUNT: Displays the number of values
  • AVERAGE: Displays the average of all values
  • MIN: Displays the minimum value
  • MAX: Displays the maximum value

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