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User Authorizations

NileDesk Authorizations :

NileDesk uses User Roles and Object Authorizations to control and manage access in Organization Accounts.

Application Level Role Authorizations :

Following are 3 application level roles available in NileDesk


Role Authorizations


  • Create New Process Template
  • Create New DataSets

Account Admin

  • Manage User Groups
  • Manage (Add/Modify/Activate) Users/Accounts of Organization
  • Manage User Delegations
  • Modify User Schema Attributes.
  • Can Authorization Users to Objects through Users Management


  • Modify Organization Settings

  • Create New Process Template
  • Create New DataSets

  • Manage User Groups
  • Manage (Add/Modify/Activate) Users/Accounts of Organization
  • Manage User Delegations
  • Can Authorization Users to Objects through Users Management

How to assign Application Roles to Users :

To simplify the role authorization, NileDesk provide 3 User Groups by default. These groups ( Administrators , Account Admins , Developers ) are for role assignments ,  Any user part of these groups will have the application level role associated with the group.  

Note : A user can have multiple roles as required by business scenario.

Object (Process , DataSets , Reports , Charts , PDFs ) Authorizations :

By default the user who creates the object is assigned the authorization of the developer of it.

Each object can have specific  Levels/Types of Authorizations , These authorizations can be given to individual users or User Groups. When authorization is given to user groups , the same authorization is available/applied to all the users who are members of that group.

Note : 

  1. A user can have multiple Object authorization for each Object as required by business scenario.
  2. Application Level Roles will not be applicable for objects unless the user is authorized specifically for object.

Process Template Authorizations


For general users who create processes

  • Can Create New Process Item
  • Can view his own Process Items


For People who need to view only All Items

  • Can Create New Process Item.
  • Can view ALL items under specific process template


For Process Owners/Supervisors

  • Can Create New Process Items
  • Can view ALL items under specific process template
  • Rename Process Template
  • View Statistic and Reports Reports
  • Create new Data Reports, Graphs,PDFs for process Template.
  • Change Template Authorizations.


For Process Owners/Tech Staff.

  • All What the Executive can do.
  • Modify Process Template.

Note :

  1. Any process Item can be executed by only the user who is assigned to specific step of process item under execution.
  2. A user with ReadOnly ,Executive or Developer authorization can view any process item under specific template , however can’t execute , unless user is one of assignee of active step of that process item.

DataSet Authorizations


For general users who access/change data

  • Add/Remove Items in dataset


For General Users who need to view data only.

  • Can only view dataset but can’t modify any item.


For Data Owners/Supervisors

  • Add/Remove Items in dataset
  • Rename Process Template
  • Change Template Authorizations


For Data Owners/Tech Staff.

  • All What the Executive can do +
  • Modify dataset structure.

Reports Authorizations


For general users who view the report.

  • View/download data in report.


For Data Owners/Supervisors

  • View/download data in report.
  • Rename Report Template
  • Delete Report
  • Change Report Authorizations


For Data Owners/Tech Staff.

  • All What the Executive can do +
  • Modify Report.

PDFs Authorizations


For Data Owners/Tech Staff.

  • View/Modify/Delete PDF.

Charts Authorizations


For general users who view the Chart.

  • View Chart.


For Data Owners/Tech Staff.

  • View/Modify/Delete Modify.

Process to Authorize Template/DataSet/Report/PDF/Chart :

User’s Authorization can be set by either of the following way :

  • Authorization by  object : Each object  (Template / DataSet / Report / PDF / Chart ) card have 3 vertical dots Icon to access context menu items through which object authorizations can be assigned/removed for each User or User Group.

  • Authorization by User :  On Users Management screen the User Authorization view and modification options are available for individual user authorization management.

User and Template Authorizations