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Grpahs & Charts

In the Graphs & Charts, you can view the data in the form of graphs and charts. You can view the data in different types of graphs and charts like Line, Bar, Pie, donut, Area and Mixed. You can also customize the graphs and charts as per your needs.

To create or view a chart, navigate to the Template Details page of the specific template you want to work with, and open the Charts tab.

Here, you can see all the charts associated with the selected template. By clicking on the settings icon, you can:

  • View the chart in full screen
  • Modify the chart
  • Set chart authorization
  • Delete the chart

Create New Chart

To create a new chart, click on Create Chart. You will be directed to the chart editor, where you can design a chart according to your requirements.

There are two sections in the Chart Editor: Setup and Customizations.


In the Setup tab, you need to configure your chart by selecting options like chart type, X-axis, Y-axis field, aggregation, sorting, filtering, and more.

Selecting the X and Y fields is required for any chart.

First, you need to specify the chart type. There are six types of charts available:

  • Bar
  • Line
  • Area
  • Pie
  • Donut
  • Mixed (a combination of bar, line, and area)

After selecting the chart type, specify the chart name.

Next, you need to select your X field. The X field can be any type of data, such as numbers, dates, or text.

Then, select your Y field. In bar, line, area, and mixed charts, you can select more than one Y field.

If the Y field is a number or aggregate, you must specify the aggregation type (e.g., sum, count, min, max, avg). However, for text or date fields, you can only use the count aggregate for the Y field.

For table fields used as a Y field, you need to specify the appropriate aggregate function. If the table field is a number or aggregate, you must select an aggregation type(e.g., sum, count, min, max, avg). For other field types, you can simply use Count as the table aggregate.

After selecting the X and Y fields, you will see your chart displayed in the Chart Editor.

If you want to continue without selecting a Y-axis field, you can check the Continue without Count Series option. This allows you to add the Y-axis as a count series.

You can also apply filters to the Y field by selecting the filter icon next to the Y series. This enables you to add filters specific to that Y series.

At the end of the setup, you can set the sorting field and choose the sorting type, such as ascending or descending.


In the Customization tab, you can configure the following settings:

  • Chart Title: Set the chart title, title color, and title font size.
  • Series: Define the Y series name that will be displayed on the chart.
  • Legend: Set the legend's position, color, and font size.

View Chart

After completing the chart setup and customization, your chart will be added to the Template Charts tab. To view the chart in full screen, click on Full Screen in the chart options, and the chart will open in full-screen mode.