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User Input Step

Input Step

Input Step is where users put in information as part of the workflow. They can enter data into fields or tables, depending on how the workflow is set up.

In input step editor, the Input Field allows you to assign a name to your step. Providing a meaningful name is important for clarity and organization, enabling you to easily recognize and understand the purpose of each step within your workflow.

Start Condition
Assignment Options

The assignment process begins with a dropdown menu offering various options for document assignment. The options include:

  • User: Choose this option to assign the document directly to a specific user. After selecting this option, a text field labeled "Type Name" will appear. Enter the username of the user to whom the document will be assigned.
  • Field: If you select this option, an additional field labeled User Field will be displayed. Choose the user field from the form fields to whom the document will be assigned.
  • Group: Use the "Select Group" dropdown to choose the group to which the document will be assigned.
  • Inititiator: Assign Document automatically to the user who create this document.
  • Inititiator Manager: Assign Document automatically to the manager of user who create this document.
  • Step Executor: Once you've chosen the step, the document will be assigned to the executor of that step.
  • Executor Manager: Once you've chosen the step, the document will be assigned to the manager of the executor of that step.
  • Expression: if you want to define a custom expression for getting user and assigned to that user.

Click the Add Assignee button to add more individuals or groups to the document assignment. This allows you to assign the document to multiple assignees based on your requirements.

Custom Assignment

If you need to select assignees from a custom source, you can do so by opening the Custom Assignment panel. This feature supports three sources: Users, Datasets and Tables.

NileDesk Users

Choosing this option will assign the document to all users in your organization if no filter is applied. To assign this step to a specific department user or specific area users, you can use a filter. See detailed filtering options Here.

From Datasets

If you choose to assign the document based on a dataset, you will encounter two dropdowns for configuration:

  1. Dataset: Choose the dataset from which you want to select assignees. This dropdown displays all available Datasets.
  2. User Field: After choosing the dataset, Here it will the User Field of the selected Dataset.

You can also filter out the data of the dataset using Filters.

From Table

If you choose to assign the document based on a form table, you will encounter two dropdowns for configuration:

  1. Table: Choose the table from which you want to select assignees. This will display all the Tables of Form.
  2. User Field: After choosing the table, Here it will the User Field of the selected Table.

You can also filter out the data of the table using Filters.

In the Multi-Assignment section de, you can specify how the document is assigned when there are multiple assignees. Choose an option from the dropdown:

  • All Assignees: Assign the document to all selected assignees.
  • Least Loaded: Assign the document to the least loaded assignee, distributing tasks evenly.
  • Round Robin: Assign the document to assignees one after another in a cyclical manner.

In the Respnse Requirement dropdown, you can specify how many assignees need to respond to the document. Choose an option that suits your needs:

  • One Assignee: Require a response from just one of the assigned individuals.
  • All Assignees: Mandate responses from all selected assignees.
  • % of Assignees: Set a percentage, and responses from that portion of assignees will be required.
  • No. of Assignees: Specify the exact number of assignees from whom responses are needed.

The Deadline refers to the specified timeframe within which a document must be completed or a response is required. It is a crucial aspect of task management, ensuring timely execution and contributing to the overall success of the project.

When setting a deadline for the document, you can choose from options like Days, Hours or None

  • Hours: Set a deadline in terms of hours.
  • Days: Set a deadline in terms of days.
  • None: Allow flexibility in completion by choosing no specific deadline.

Setting a deadline will also provide an option to define what actions to take if the deadline is exceeded, ensuring a proactive response to delays. By default it set to Notify All Assignee

If the deadline is exceeded, you can choose from the following options:

  • Notify User: Send a notification to the assigned user about the exceeded deadline.
  • Notify Initiator: Inform the document initiator about the deadline exceedance.
  • Notify All Assignees: Send notifications to all assignees of the document regarding the exceeded deadline.
  • Transfer to Initiator: Transfer ownership of the document to the initiator in case of a deadline exceedance.
  • Transfer to User: Transfer ownership to a specific user if the deadline is exceeded.

Additionally, you can add more Exceed Action using the plus icon button and delete options using the delete icon button.

You can activate the step based on certain conditions, such as activating it only if the user is from the IT department; otherwise, the step will be skipped.

See Detailed Start Conditions Here